
Cancer, known as Kataka or Karka in Vedic astrology, is the fourth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the Moon (Chandra). People born under this sign are considered to have unique traits and characteristics influenced by both the sign and its ruling planet. Here is a detailed overview of Cancer (Kataka) sign traits:

Key Traits of Cancer (Kataka) Sign

Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Moon
Symbol: Crab
Mantra: Om Shraam Shreem Shroum Sah Chandramase Namah

Positive Traits

  1. Emotional and Intuitive: Cancer natives are highly intuitive and emotionally intelligent. They often have a deep understanding of their own feelings and those of others.
  2. Nurturing and Caring: They have a strong nurturing instinct, often putting the needs of others before their own. They are caring, protective, and supportive, making them excellent caregivers.
  3. Loyal and Devoted: Once they form a bond, they are incredibly loyal and devoted. They value their relationships deeply and are willing to go to great lengths to maintain them.
  4. Creative and Imaginative: Cancer individuals often have a rich imagination and are very creative. They may excel in artistic endeavors such as writing, painting, or music.
  5. Protective: Just like a crab with its hard shell, Cancer individuals are protective of their loved ones and their personal space. They can be fiercely defensive when it comes to their family and friends.

Negative Traits

  1. Overly Sensitive: Their heightened emotional sensitivity can sometimes be a drawback, as they may take things too personally or get hurt easily.
  2. Moody and Inconsistent: Cancer natives can be prone to mood swings, influenced by the Moon’s phases. Their moods can change rapidly, making them unpredictable at times.
  3. Pessimistic: They may have a tendency to focus on the negative aspects of a situation, which can lead to a pessimistic outlook.
  4. Clingy and Possessive: Their deep need for security and attachment can make them clingy or overly possessive in relationships.
  5. Retreating: When faced with conflict or emotional pain, Cancer individuals may retreat into their shell, becoming distant or withdrawn.


  • Family: Family is of utmost importance to Cancer natives. They are deeply connected to their roots and often maintain strong ties with their family members.
  • Friendships: They are loyal friends who provide emotional support and nurturing. They seek friends who can offer them stability and trust.
  • Romantic: In romantic relationships, Cancer individuals are devoted and loving. They seek a partner who is equally caring and who can provide emotional security.

Career and Work

  • Strengths: Cancer individuals excel in careers that require empathy, creativity, and nurturing. They may thrive as teachers, nurses, social workers, artists, or in any profession that involves caregiving or creativity.
  • Work Environment: They prefer a stable and supportive work environment where they can feel secure. They work best in settings that offer a sense of community and belonging.


  • Physical: Cancer rules the chest, breasts, and stomach. They may be prone to digestive issues or stress-related ailments.
  • Mental: Emotional health is crucial for Cancer natives. They need to find ways to manage stress and ensure emotional balance.


  • Highly Compatible: Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, and Virgo. These signs can provide the emotional depth and stability Cancer needs.
  • Less Compatible: Aries, Libra, and Capricorn. These signs may struggle to meet Cancer’s emotional needs and may have conflicting traits.

Overall Personality

Cancer individuals are deeply emotional, intuitive, and nurturing. They seek security and stability in their relationships and environments. While their sensitivity can be a challenge, it also allows them to connect deeply with others and provide unparalleled support and care.

Understanding these traits can provide insight into the behavior and motivations of Cancer natives, helping them navigate their lives and relationships with greater awareness and fulfillment.